Anime “Ninja Slayer From Animation” Production Report, The Fifth!

Hey again! K here, in charge of animations at Kadokawa. In this fifth report, we will be giving a before-the-show backstage report on the “Ninja Sound Guitar Thunderbolt” live concert, which happened on the same day as Ninja Festa! Let’s begin with a brief introduction of the event.

Q1: What kind of concert was it?
A1: It was a live performance of the songs from the original soundtrack that comes with the special edition of the book, “Ninja Slayer - Kyoto: Hell on Earth”!

Q2: Who were the performers?
A1: OMURA/Entertainment Inc. Music Divisions.

Q3: Where was the performance?
A3: At Live Gate Tokyo.

Q4: How were people able to attend or see the concert?
A4: People who were able to obtain tickets could attend the live concert. People could also stream portions of the performance on Ustream.

Q5: I watched Ustream, but the camera only focused on typical Ninja Headz.
A5: Perhaps that can be fixed if you purchase some related merchandise. (

And with that, let’s begin the report!

This animation poster was posted at the entrance, so I’m assuming that this is definitely the place. Knock, knock, “Excuse me, I’m coming in!”

And the reception area is filled with scary-looking people…! Every one of them is wearing a face mask with “ninsatsu,” the Japanese word for “ninja slayer,” written across the front… These people are terrifying, so let’s get through the reception area as quickly as possible and move on to the inside of the event venue. I’ll just leave these shuriken cookies I got from the Ninja Festa event on this table right here as gifts for the scary people…

*On a side note, a lot of people have been expressing their desire for these ninja slayer masks, so it seems like they are going to be distributed somewhere (for free)!

Now that we’ve gotten the check in over with, let’s go inside!
It looks like everything in the venue, including all the instruments, are on stand-by.
The presence of the taiko drums, shamisen, and Ninja Slayer really fills the room!

At the back of the room, we notice that the names of the drinks on the drink menu have been specially edited and renamed with Ninja Slayer themed titles by our dedicated translation team as well!

By the merchandise corner there are Omura Industry polo shirts, Silver Karasu hoodies (which had their advance sale at the book event), Kokeshi Maat tote bags, and a whole lot more!

These Yoroshisan Pharmaceuticals and Omra Industry collapsible containers will be having their advance sale at Winter Comiket later this year, but we have the honor of having these samples on display here at the event today!

While examining all the merchandise, I found the typical Ninja Headz himself!
*For those of you who want to know more about the typical Ninja Headz:

Boom tss, dum tss, boom tss, dum tss…
Oh, it looks like the show’s about to start, so we’ll have to end the report here!

What?! You mean you won’t show us photos of the actual concert?!
Ah, sorry. You can view those here:

Now then, in next time’s report… That’s right, it will finally be what you’ve all been waiting for… the Ninja Slayer release announcement!! Please remember to check the Twitter feed as well!

That’s all for this time!
Please look forward to the next update!


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