How Adorable! Show Your Support for These Headphones with Cat Ear Speakers and Get Them Quick!

How Adorable! Show Your Support for These Headphones with Cat Ear Speakers and Get Them Quick!

Axent Wear, the company behind these “Cat Ear Headphones,” which include external speakers in the shape of cat ears, is seeking development funds through crowdfunding service Indiegogo.

They are currently accepting pre-orders through the crowdfunding, and those who give $150 in support can receive a pair of the headphones.

They will be accepting contributions through 11:59 p.m. (PST) on Friday, Nov. 7 to reach their goal of $250,000.

Axent Wear - Cat Ear Headphones Indiegogo

Experience something new sharing music with cat ears!!

Axent Wear was started by University of California, Berkeley, graduates Wenqing Yan and Victoria Hu, both of whom have had a long interest in art and creating objects.

Wenqing believed that there must be some unique way to share music with the friends and family around you, and what resulted after preliminary sketches and trial and error were headphones with cat ear speakers attached.

Image taken from Indiegogo campaign page

What stands out about the headphones are not only the cat-ear-shaped external speakers that allow you to share your music with those around you, but also the LED lights mounted in the speakers and the headphone area.

The four color varieties available are blue, red, green and purple, each of which matches the LED illumination.

You can switch between speaker or headphone output, allowing you to use them like regular headphones when you want to enjoy music by yourself.

In addition to receiving a pair for $150, additional extras are also available, such as custom-made headphones or a gift of an original character illustration for $2,000.

It’s safe to say that you’d be the center of attention walking the streets with a pair of these headphones!


How Adorable! Show Your Support for These Headphones with Cat Ear Speakers and Get Them Quick! 1
How Adorable! Show Your Support for These Headphones with Cat Ear Speakers and Get Them Quick! 2

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