2014 Fall Anime Trailer Summary: Action & Sci-Fi

The new anime season has arrived! Join TOM as we check out the trailers for anime starting in October and plan out your anime viewing schedule for this season. In this second installment, we look at the trailers for a total of nine anime series with promising battle scenes!

Terra Formars Annex 1
Twenty years have passed since the “Bugs 2” tragedy, and the unknown AE virus from Mars is wreaking havoc on Earth. In order to create a vaccine for the AE virus, a crew led by Shokichi Komachi takes the large space vessel Annex 1 to Mars, where this ultimate tale of survival unfurls. The battle between mankind and the King of Pests to see which species will continue begins now!

Psycho-Pass 2
The story takes place 1.5 years after the final episode of the first series. In the future, a person’s psychological state and personality tendencies are measured and managed with a standard known as “Psycho-Pass.” Coming down on criminals using this measurement is Public Safety Bureau Inspector Akane Tsunemori, who, with the other Bureau members, takes on a new case and questions the ideas of justice and society.

Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryu no Rinbu
The human race has acquired a highly advanced technology known as “Mana,” allowing them to solve any problem on Earth and finally attain a peaceful utopia. However, unable to use Mana, the crown princess of the Misurugi Empire, Angelize, is treated as a non-human and, losing everything, ends up isolated on a secluded island. There she meets a group of girls who know nothing but fighting and becomes a soldier herself. Focusing on the protagonist Ange, this group story follows these girls as they fight!

Trinity Seven
Arata Kasuga loses his cousin Hijiri, who he also lived with, in the “Breakdown Phenomenon,” which occurs suddenly. To seek understanding about the Breakdown Phenomenon and to bring back those dear to him, Arata enters a school of magic called the Royal Biblia Academy. Waiting for him there are seven girls who use unsavory means to manipulate magic...

Fate/stay night (Part 2)
The story takes place in a city surrounded by sea and mountains called Fuyuki City. Rin Tosaka calls forth her servant Archer and joins the Holy Grail War to contend for the Holy Grail that grants wishes for the person who possesses it. During the battle, she discovers that her classmate Shiro Emiya has also become caught up in the Holy Grail War... With their eyes on the Holy Grail, seven masters and their servants battle it out until there is only one pair left!

Selector Spread Wixoss (Season 2)
One day, protagonist Ruko’s brother buys her a card game popular among junior and senior high school students called Wixoss (read “wi-cross”). When Ruko opens the deck, the girl on her LRIG card, which stand in for the players, begins to move! Ruko finds herself facing off against other girls who have been selected with LRIG cards that have their own will!

Garo: Honō no Kokuin
A young boy named Leon, who has inherited the title of Golden Knight Garo, loses his mother, a magical priestess burned at the stake in a witch hunt held by the king’s advisor. At the same time, as the king’s advisor gains power over the country, the Prince Alphonso and his mother are exiled. In order to get back his country and save its people, he continues to seek the legendary knight of light. The story unfolds around the two boys, Leon and Alphonso!

Rage of Bahamut Genesis
The world once faced its end at the hands of the black and silver-winged Bahamut. Crossing barriers, the races of Man, God and Demon worked together to seal him away, losing many in the process. The Gods and Demons possess the keys to unlocking the seal. Two thousand years pass and the world has entered a time of peace, until one day, a girl steals the Gods’ key. The world’s equilibrium quietly begins to crumble...

Madan no Ō to Vanadis
A war is waged for 20-odd years between the Kingdoms of Brune and Zhcted. Though Zhcted’s defeat against the overwhelming number of soldiers in Brune seemed unavoidable, Zhcted has a Vanadis, who was granted a legendary Dragonic Tool. The army of the Kingdom of Brune is annihilated by this fearsome power. Overcome with despair, Brune soldier Tigrevurmud Vorn aims his bow at the Vanadis... Little did they know that their encounter on the battlefield would be the prologue to a heroic tale.

This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article.

Anime Terra Formars TV Spot Ver. 5 Akari Hizamaru © Yu Sasuga, Kenich Tachibana / Shueisha Inc., Project Terra Formars
Anime Terra Formars TV Spot Ver. 5 Akari Hizamaru © Yu Sasuga, Kenich Tachibana / Shueisha Inc., Project Terra Formars
Psycho-Pass 2 Trailer “New Chapter, Activate.” © Psycho-Pass Production Committee
Psycho-Pass 2 Trailer “New Chapter, Activate.” © Psycho-Pass Production Committee
Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryu no Rinbu Trailer 2 © Sunrise Inc. / Project Ange
Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryu no Rinbu Trailer 2 © Sunrise Inc. / Project Ange
TV Anime Trinity Seven Trailer 2 © Kenji Saito, Akinari Nao / Kadokawa Fujimi Shobo / Trinity Seven Production Committee
TV Anime Trinity Seven Trailer 2 © Kenji Saito, Akinari Nao / Kadokawa Fujimi Shobo / Trinity Seven Production Committee
Fate/stay night Character Intro Spot 4 “Saber Ver.” © TYPE-MOON, ufotable, FSNPC © TYPE-MOON
Fate/stay night Character Intro Spot 4 “Saber Ver.” © TYPE-MOON, ufotable, FSNPC © TYPE-MOON
Original TV Anime Series Selector Spread Wixoss Comic Market 86 Trailer © LRIG / Project Selector
Original TV Anime Series Selector Spread Wixoss Comic Market 86 Trailer © LRIG / Project Selector
Garo: Honō no Kokuin Special Trailer 2 © 2014 Honō no Kokuin Keita Amamiya / Tohoku Shinsha
Garo: Honō no Kokuin Special Trailer 2 © 2014 Honō no Kokuin Keita Amamiya / Tohoku Shinsha
Rage of Bahamut Genesis Trailer 2 © Cygames / MAPPA / Rage of Bahamut Genesis
Rage of Bahamut Genesis Trailer 2 © Cygames / MAPPA / Rage of Bahamut Genesis
TV Anime Madan no Ō to Vanadis Trailer 1 © 2014 Tsukasa Kawaguchi, Kadokawa Media Factory / Madan no Ō to Vanadis Production Committee
TV Anime Madan no Ō to Vanadis Trailer 1 © 2014 Tsukasa Kawaguchi, Kadokawa Media Factory / Madan no Ō to Vanadis Production Committee

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