A live-action film adaptation of Io Sakisaka’s bestselling manga Strobe Edge has been announced. The film stars the extremely talented Sota Fukushi and Kasumi Arimura, and it will release in March 2015.
Another of Sakisaka’s works, Ao Haru Ride, is also becoming a live-action film starring Tsubasa Honda and Masahiro Higashide. This Toho film will release around the country on Dec. 13. Also with the start of the broadcast of the TV anime Ao Haru Ride in July, video adaptations for this representative work keep coming.
Strobe Edge was serialized from 2007-2010 in the Shueisha magazine Bessatsu Margaret. The series is so popular that over 4.5 million copies of the series’ 10 volumes have been sold. The story focuses on female high school student Ninako and Ren, whom she has feelings for. It’s a masterpiece that depicts a heartwrenching unrequited love. This story that touches people’s hearts has received huge support.
Now, Kasumi Arimura, who is getting her big break, is playing the role of Ninako, who lives wholeheartedly while holding onto an unrequited love for Ren. She cut her hair for the role, and the style of her short cut also seems to be picking up attention.
Playing the role of Ren, a good-looking guy whom Ninako has feelings for, is the extraordinarily popular Sota Fukushi. Attention is building for how he’ll play this cool-looking but kind and slim guy with the greatest smile.
Directing the film is Ryuichi Hiroki from such works as April Bride and Hyakkai Naku Koto. Filming on the movie already began on Aug. 1. They will be on location in Niigata and the outskirts of Kanto until early September. The film will release in the spring of 2015. Though the years pass, the feelings of an unrequited love felt during adolescence don’t change. It seems the movie Strobe Edge will play on these emotions.
[Comment from Sota Fukushi]
Ren Ichinose is the most popular guy in school, and in the manga he’s entangled in love and friendships. But it’s not merely a story of love and friendship, and I want to depict him carefully and deeply. Under director Hiroki’s lead, I’m aware of how close I can bring myself to Ren, and I want to create a work that when it’s finished and I see it I can think, “I’m glad I did a good job.”
[Comment from Kasumi Arimura]
The original work to this film is a shoujo manga, and I hope the film ends up being out of the ordinary. I want audiences to feel the feelings of love and human emotions while the warm time slowly flows, so I will try my best to make Ren fall in love with her.
[Comment from Author Io Sakisaka]
*Strobe Edge* is a work that has already concluded, so I was surprised by the decision to make this live-action film adaptation along with being overjoyed. Fukushi and Arimura look just like Ren and Ninako, and I’m really looking forward to seeing from here on how they will portray these two characters!! I hope that even those who haven’t read the original manga will certainly take this opportunity!
[Comment from Director Ryuichi Hiroki]
I can feel from the original work to Strobe Edge that this is a time that everyone goes through. I hope I can create the kind of movie that transmits the heavy sensation that is love.
Strobe Edge
Toho roadshow release in March 2015
© 2015 Strobe Edge the Movie Production Committee
© Io Sakisaka / Shueisha Inc.
Source: animeanime