“The Thinking Angel” May Be a Bit of a Stretch

“The Thinking Angel” paperweight (¥1,800)

The new lineup of Yurushito products at Evangelion Store are pretty cute. Just like the name suggests, the Yuruart series, which is being consecutively released at Evangelion Store Tokyo-01 starting on Dec. 13, features Yurushito products with an artsy flair to them. One product to take note of is the paperweight “The Thinking Angel.” The second you look at it, your wallet’s A.T. Field will likely disperse.

Yurushito is the name of the mascot character form of the Angel Sachiel from Evangelion. In addition to “The Thinking Angel,” products in the Yuruart lineup include a clear file folder, ringed notebook, stuffed toy strap, tote bag, and more.

Evangelion Store Tokyo-01


“The Thinking Angel” paperweight (¥1,800)
“The Thinking Angel” paperweight (¥1,800)
Clear file folder (¥250)
Clear file folder (¥250)
Ringed notebook (¥600. To release on Dec. 20)
Ringed notebook (¥600. To release on Dec. 20)
Stuffed toy strap (¥600. To release on Dec. 20)
Stuffed toy strap (¥600. To release on Dec. 20)
Tote bag (¥1,000. To release on Dec. 20)
Tote bag (¥1,000. To release on Dec. 20)

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