“Anime Street” Opening in Asagaya This December

JR East Urban Development Corporation is a real estate development company run by JR East. This very company announced the opening of Anime Street (temporary name), at the halfway point of Asagaya station and Koenji station. The construction of facilities is on the way.

Asagaya Anime Street is a project that will make use of JR Chuo Line’s underground parking lot and warehouse space that, until now, was planned to be used for offices and educational facilities. With the central concept being animation, it will be a location aimed to disseminate anime culture and information.

Tokyo has numerous districts, starting with Akihabara, that are linked to subcultures such as anime. JR East Urban Development Corporation is focusing there, and is developing the area to be “the only place in the world where the creators and the consumers both gather.” The tenants have started recruiting goods shops and cafes, as well as antenna shops, open galleries, a production studio zone, and a university and technical school zone. They are also going to establish facilities that focus on science-fiction, as well as different areas that target men and women to differentiate it from other regions.

Anime Street is planned to open for business this December. Anime fans visiting Asagaya at the end of the year will fill it with life for sure.

http://animeanime.jp/article/2013/05/06/13946.html (Japanese)

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