Opening Theme to TV Anime “Attack on Titan” to Release on CD

The TV version of “Crimson Bow and Arrow,” the opening theme to the TV anime Attack on Titan that started earlier this month, was released on music distribution sites on April 9. The song was created by Linked Horizon, a collaborative unit headed by Revo of Sound Horizon, a musical group that has created countless popular songs.

Until now, Revo has worked on a great number of theme songs for games and songs based on manga. However, this was his first time creating a song for a TV anime. “Crimson Bow and Arrow” has received high rankings on all three sites on which the TV version has been released (RecoChoku, Dwango, and iTunes). The song has become highly popular and is making a huge impact, which is rare for the shortened TV version of a song.

Also on April 9, a special Linked Horizon site modeled after Attack on Titan launched. On the site, it was announced that the song will be released as a CD single that will go on sale on July 10. The jacket for the CD has been specially drawn by the creator of Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama. It’s predicted that this CD will also make a huge impact when it releases.

TV Anime Attack on Titan Official Site: (Japanese)

Linked Horizon’s Official Site (Japanese)

Source: (Japanese)

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