“Yozakura Quartet” TV Anime Adaptation Planned!

A second TV anime adaptation is planned for the popular manga Yozakura Quartet, the 13th volume to which released on April 9. In 2008, the manga’s first TV anime adaptation was broadcast. However, this anime will be a completely new work and not a sequel.

The news was announced at the event “Yozakura Quartet, New OAD Release Commemoration & Devil Survivor 2 the Animation Broadcast Chokuzen! Nico Live.” Part of the event was for announcing that a new OAD will be included in the limited edition of the 14th volume of the manga, the release date to which was announced as being Sept. 9. The surprise announcement seemed to make all the fans in attendance shocked, but happy.

Presently, details of the broadcast time and staff for the new anime have yet to be revealed. In regard to the cast, the voice stars for each character have been announced. The official teaser site has also launched, so if you are interested, please check it out!

Yozakura Quartet Official Teaser Site:
http://yozakura-anime.jp/ (Japanese)

http://blog.excite.co.jp/exanime/20078771/ (Japanese)

“Yozakura Quartet” TV Anime Adaptation Planned! 1

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