Character Sleeve Collection Matte Series Goddess of Victory: Nikke Liliweiss No. MT2060
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Character Sleeve Collection Matte Series Goddess of Victory: Nikke Liliweiss No. MT2060
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It is strange seeing her with closed toed shoes
Did the price go up by $10? It was 196 yesterday.
Could be in response to the Bank of Japan increasing interest rates of the Yen, as I've noticed that prices across the board here on TOM have gone up. They price adjusted lots of items a while back due to the low value of the Yen to USD, even going so far as to offer a coupon since prices were dropping so rapidly for people who had preordered things at higher prices. Figure collecting getting more expensive everyday X__X
Even more, and the yen has dropped.
f MEEEEEE. I know i said no more figs and i nearly caved in. This is such a nice figure, so many aesthetics to her design. Look at all the previous ryza figs and they dont really compare to this one. This just pop out more. Will definetly buy if its still available half a year later
This is quite the pretty figure
Best Ryza figure yet, her new design is really nice.
i like this design but do i need it
Let's be real here. Do you really NEED any of these (most likely) overpriced pieces of plastic? No, absolutely not.
But do you WANT it? That is a much harder question, and judging by the state of my room and how I have no space left for anything, I find that the answer is almost always, "Yes, yes I do."