TV Anime “Uchoten Kazoku” Collaborates with Kyoto City Bus, Decorated Bus Unveiled

The TV anime Uchoten Kazoku will begin broadcasting next month. Before this, a collaboration bus wrapped with illustrations from the anime was unveiled in the work’s setting: Kyoto. For a span of three months beginning on June 12, visuals from Uchoten Kazoku will be seen on a bus in service in central Kyoto. This collaboration marks the first time a Kyoto bus has collaborated with a TV anime.

The decorated bus will be used as a tie-up project with Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair 2013 (nicknamed Kyomaf), which will take place from Sept. 7-8. The bus features characters from Uchoten Kazoku assembled in an eye-catching design. When the TV anime begins its broadcast, the bus will continue to advertise for Kyomaf 2013.

Also, an event called “Uchoten Kazoku Advance Premiere Event” was held in Minamiza, Kyoto on June 16. In addition to the staff and cast, the author of the original work, Tomihiko Morimi, also made an appearance at the event. Morimi is a graduate of Kyoto University, and he has created a great number of works set in Kyoto. This event was also the first anime event to be held in Minamiza. It can be said that the event was held there due to the work having such deep ties to Kyoto.

The novel for Uchoten Kazoku was published in 2007, and it has become a popular work with over 200,000 books sold. When the anime adaptation was decided on, manga artist Koji Kumeta, who is known from the work Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei, was appointed as character planner.

Source: (Japanese)
Source article written by Katsunori Takahashi

© Tomihiko Morimi, Gentosha / Uchoten Kazoku Production Committee

TV Anime “Uchoten Kazoku” Collaborates with Kyoto City Bus, Decorated Bus Unveiled 1
TV Anime “Uchoten Kazoku” Collaborates with Kyoto City Bus, Decorated Bus Unveiled 2
TV Anime “Uchoten Kazoku” Collaborates with Kyoto City Bus, Decorated Bus Unveiled 3
TV Anime “Uchoten Kazoku” Collaborates with Kyoto City Bus, Decorated Bus Unveiled 4
TV Anime “Uchoten Kazoku” Collaborates with Kyoto City Bus, Decorated Bus Unveiled 5
TV Anime “Uchoten Kazoku” Collaborates with Kyoto City Bus, Decorated Bus Unveiled 6

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