Two new Fate/Grand Order anime specials for New Year were announced at Fate/Grand Order Guest Stage in Akihabara 2017!
Fate/Grand Order x Himuro no Tenchi ~7-nin no Saikyō Ijin-Hen~ is inspired by the Mashin Eiichiro/Type-Moon manga Himuro no Tenchi Fate/school life. Nagamori Masato will handle character design while Miura Takahiro will direct with ufotable producing.

Fate/Grand Order MoonLight Lostroom will be supervised by Nanba Hitoshi with Tsukada Takuro directing, Nasu Kinoko handling the script and Lay-duce producing.

The two shows will be broadcast as one New Year’s Eve TV special, Fate Project Omisoka TV Special 2017, on various television channels and online.
Adapted with permission from SPICE