The Seven Deadly Sins Game Book Released Featuring Illustrations by Suzuki Nakaba!

The Seven Deadly Sins Game Book Released Featuring Illustrations by Suzuki Nakaba!

A special Seven Deadly Sins game book called The Seven Deadly Sins Game Book: Buta no Boushi-tei no Nanatsu no Daibouken is being released! It’s set before the Seven Deadly Sins’ battle against the Ten Commandments.

As of today, you’re a Boar Hat member, too!! Seven orders of adventure, coming up!

In it, you’ll become an adventurer as a member of Boar Hat surrounded by the other members. The Seven Deadly Sins members become key people on each of seven adventures you’ll take, and for each adventure you finish, there’s a message from the corresponding Seven Deadly Sins member!

Inside you’ll find beautiful illustrations by none other than Suzuki Nakaba himself. Now’s your chance to become a member and go on adventures!

The Seven Deadly Sins Game Book: Buta no Boushi-tei no Nanatsu no Daibouken (Boar Hat’s Seven Great Adventures)
Work: Fujinami Tomoyuki
Original Work, Illustrations: Suzuki Nakaba
On Sale Oct. 17, 2017
Price: 720 yen (before tax)
Kodansha KC Deluxe
Product Page:

Table of Contents
Girl of the Giant Tower ―― Envy
Ravens’ Robbery Experiment ―― Greed
Lazy Fairy ―― Sloth
Great Detective Growther and the Murder at Boar Hat Mansion ―― Lust
Micro Adventure: Elizabeth’s Secret ―― Gluttony
Letter from the Princess ―― Pride
Defeat of the Seven Deadly Sins!? ―― Wrath

Source: PR TIMES

The Seven Deadly Sins Game Book Released Featuring Illustrations by Suzuki Nakaba! 1
The Seven Deadly Sins Game Book Released Featuring Illustrations by Suzuki Nakaba! 2
The Seven Deadly Sins Game Book Released Featuring Illustrations by Suzuki Nakaba! 3
The Seven Deadly Sins Game Book Released Featuring Illustrations by Suzuki Nakaba! 4

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