STEAMCREAM is a full-body moisturizer made with natural ingredients and essential oils known and loved around the world, and they’re easily recognized by their classic tin!

They’ve collaborated with tons of artists all over the world to create a number of limited edition designs for their tins, but the latest designs going on sale on May 24 are extra-special. They’ve paired up with Hanasho, a famous store based in Tokyo that specializes in Edo Kiriko. This is a special tradition in glasswork where intricate patterns are cut into colored glass for striking designs, and it first came about towards the end of the Edo era.

The texture and quality leave an impact on everyone, and these pieces are considered so representative of Japan’s traditional techniques that Prime Minister Abe Shinzo has gifted these to important figures around the world.
Hanasho is an especially well-known for their high-quality pieces! Many of them are so detailed that they seem unreal.

Those powerful and elaborate designs were chosen as the inspiration for the new tins from STEAMCREAM! The tins are a gorgeous blue hue with those same recognizable geometric patterns that’ll make you feel like you’re looking at Hanasho’s beautiful glasswork.

Three designs were revealed which you can see in detail below!
■ Hana Zakari
■ Tama Ichimatsu
■ Itokiku Tsunagi
■ Release Date: May 24, 2017 (Wed.)
Source: PR TIMES