A hilariously unique video promoting the upcoming Gintama live-action film has been released! Titled "Season Greetings: Spring Break Edition”, it stars Gintoki (Oguri Shun), Shinpachi (Suda Masaki) and Kagura (Hashimoto Kanna) singing boisterously while getting their dance on. This video is the sequel to their well-received New Years video, which skyrocketed to over 5 million views in just 5 days.
The very enthusiastic trio begins by chanting, “Spring! Sakura! Gintama!” With cherry blossoms fluttering in the background, they quickly break into a light-hearted song while performing an interesting mix of dance moves. The silliness of it all is extremely Gintama-esque, and is sure to make fans grin! However, their carefree song and dance is interrupted halfway through with some ominous music... Just what could it be?
There are only three more months until the film's premiere, so fingers crossed for more hilarious videos coming our way!
To be released in cinemas across Japan on Jul. 14, 2017.
(C) Sorachi Hideaki / Shueisha
(C) 2017 Gintama Production Committee
Source: AnimeAnime