Written and illustrated by Ashihara Daisuke, World Trigger has been a popular serialization in Weekly Shonen Manga since its release in 2013. An impressive 16 volumes and more than 160 chapters of the manga have been released as of Sept. 2016. It has also been adapted into 2 seasons of anime as well as video games on the PS Vita and smartphones, an impressive feat for a series that’s only 3 years old!
This sci-fi shounen series follows Yuma Kuga, a humanoid “Neighbor”, and Mikumo Osamu, a border agent in Mikado City. Here, monsters called Neighbors have started appearing through a mysterious gate.
It was unfortunately announced in Nov. 21’s issue 51 of Weekly Shonen Jump that Ashihara is ill and the manga’s serialization will be halted for the time being. It still looks like vol. 17 will be released on Dec. 2, but for the time being, let’s hope for Ashihara-sensei’s quick and full recovery!
Popular manga World Trigger to go on hiatus, restart date undetermined.
人気漫画「ワールドトリガー」連載休止へ 「今後の再開は未定」 https://t.co/Vy5pCOrQ8Z">https://t.co/Vy5pCOrQ8Z https://twitter.com/itm_nlabenta">@itm_nlabentaから https://twitter.com/hashtag/%E3%83%AF%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%E3%83%AA?src=hash">#ワートリ https://t.co/W8xRPL2WmN">pic.twitter.com/W8xRPL2WmN
— ねとらぼ (@itm_nlab) https://twitter.com/itm_nlab/status/800488614295572480">November 20, 2016