Warning: Do Not Play Taiko No Tatsujin with Star Wars’ Kylo Ren【Pics】

Warning: Do Not Play Taiko No Tatsujin with Star Wars’ Kylo Ren【Pics】

Even if you haven’t caught Star Wars: The Force Awakens yet, you’ve probably heard about Commander of the First Order Kylo Ren. And his temper…

Shot and shared by Japanese Twitter user and Star Wars fan RugusuLee, the following images send a clear message to any and all Stormtroopers who frequent their respective space base’s rec room, bar or canteena: if Kylo Ren offers to play a few rounds of Japanese drumming game Taiko no Tatsujin with you, be sure to miss at least a few beats…

(Click images to enlarge)

Kylo, man, you’ve got some anger issues.

Make sure to follow RugusuLee on Twitter for more epic and amusing Star Wars figure pics. Like these:

Source and featured image: Twitter/RugusuLee via RocketNews24

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