Unhappy Go Lucky, currently serialized in Manga Time Kirara Forward (Houbunsha), has been greenlit for a TV anime adaptation coming in spring 2016. The series is a feel-good comedy by Kotoji about a group of unlucky girls. The story follows An Hanakoizumi (Hanako), Ruri Hibarigaoka (Hibari), Hotan Kumegawa (Botan), Hibiki Hagyu (Hibiki), and Ren Ekoda (Ren) as they try hard to make their high school lives as happy as possible. Manga Time Kirara Forward has been gaining attention for its recent anime adaptations including School-Live! and Castle Town Dandelion, and it seems Unhappy Go Lucky will gain buzz from following them.
Directing the anime is Shin Onuma who is reputed for his unique vision for bishoujo-style series. Handing the animation production is Silver Link, which also worked together with director Onuma on No-Rin, Invaders of the Rokujyoma, and Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya. In charge of character designs is Miwa Oshima who also worked on the anime C Cube. With director Onuma also having worked on C Cube, the staff lineup is one of familiar faces.
Along with the announcement of the anime, it has also been confirmed that Unhappy Go Lucky will have a booth at Comic Market 89. Special New Year’s cards will be handed out at the booth for each of the five main characters including Hibari. There will also be a fortune game attendees can play by showing that they are a follower of the anime’s official Twitter. A variety of prizes will be up for grabs in the game, and each player is guaranteed to win something. There will likely also be original merchandise for sale at the booth too, so those attending C89 who are looking forward to the anime may want to stop by the booth first. The booth is No. 337 and will be located on the fourth floor of the West Hall in the industry booth area.
Anime Unhappy Go Lucky
Original Work: Kotoji’s Unhappy Go Lucky (serialized in Houbunsha’s Manga Time Kirara Forward)
Director: Shin Onuma
Series Composer: Hitoshi Tanaka
Character Designer/Chief Animation Director: Miwa Oshima
Animation Production: Silver Link
© Kotoji, Houbunsha / Unhappy Go Lucky Production Committee
Source: animeanime
Source article written by Yuma