Shishou Series is a short story occult horror novel series that began being published on 2channel in 2003 and continues to this day with more than 113 stories available online. A manga version of the series began serialization in Young King OURs (published by Shonen Gahosha) and also began being published by Futabasha in January 2014.
It has now been revealed that the series is getting a film adaptation in 2016. The first part of the project is a live-action film by director Atsushi Shimizu and writer Chiaki Konaka. In addition to this, a TV anime and TV drama are also planned to be broadcast the same year.
Atsushi Shimizu, who is directing the film, made his film debut with 1997’s Nerawareta Gakuen. His recent works include Ten Nights of Dreams and Nana to Kaoru and he is reputed for strange worlds adrift with madness and nostalgia that focus on motifs that take a peek into mundane everyday life.
Since his debut as a scenario writer in 1989’s Jaganrei, Chiaki Konaka has lent his hand to countless horror series, writing scripts for many tokusatsu and anime series. It can likely be said that he is the perfect talent to have on the production side of Shishou Series.
Chiaki Konaka has released the following comment: “Until I was invited onto the project by director Atsushi Shimizu, I had no idea about Shishou Series. I read it and thought it was absurdly interesting. I think it will be a new standard for the urban legend type of horror. I am trying to do all that I can to preserve as much nuance from the original series as possible, and I want to show what an older generation author can do.”
Shishou Series is an occult horror in which main character Uni, a freshman from the countryside, meets at a club an upperclassman named “Shishou” (Master), an occult fanatic, and, led by his friends who overflow with personality, experiences various urban legends and paranormal phenomena.
The story has novel developments that make it stand out from works before it, and continues to captivate many fans even to this day, more than 10 years after it was first published, due to it being popular for the strangeness incorporated into its story and its occultic workings. Look forward to the series’ world expanding even more with the announced film adaptation.
Original Work: Uni
Director: Atsushi Shimizu
Writer: Chiaki Konaka
© Uni / Futabasha Publishers Ltd. / Surounin
Source: animeanime
Source article written by Yuma