Special Collaborative Illustration with Detective Conan, One Piece and More Called “Join Us, Friends” Begins on Oct. 16!

<STOP! Bootlegs “MAG Project”> Special Collaborative Illustration with Detective Conan, One Piece and More Called “Join Us, Friends” Begins on Oct. 16!

The Manga Anime Bootleg Prevention Association, which is made up of members from 15 Japanese publishers and companies related to anime, as the second part of a public awareness project by “STOP! Bootlegs MAG Project,” which grapples with creating even better quality work and protecting Japanese manga and anime throughout the world, has started on Oct. 16 a special collaborative illustration that crosses the threshold of publishers and anime-related companies called “Join Us, Friends” on Manga-Anime here, a site for finding inks to official works.

The aims of the MAG Project are to eliminate bootlegs from the market, support creators of official content, and maintain an environment of goodwill connected to creating new works. The project will achieve these aims through three strategies: a “large-scale elimination” of bootlegged content, its website for official content (Manga-Anime here), and through public awareness projects to encourage fans to view official content. The overall vision of the project is for more and more fans to recognize the reality of bootlegs so that many fans can enjoy official content and manga and anime can advance even more.

The second part of MAG Project’s “public awareness” is a special collaboration illustration called “Join Us, Friends” which started as an illustration of five characters, all popular characters that crossed over publishers and anime-related companies, gathered in a cafe.

This illustration will grow depending on the number of “Joins” made by manga and anime fans who are Guardians by loving the works and protecting them (The “Join” button can be pushed as many times as you’d like.), and a gathering of characters from all types of works will grow one by one. The final result will be a one-of-a-kind illustration. You can also share this illustration on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and other SNS. The completed illustration will be made available to download on the Manga-Anime here site (Only one character will be added to the illustration per day.).

All kinds of otaku are welcome at the TOM Fan Club! Join here: https://otakumode.com/fb/8iy