Costume maker Clear Stone has launched a cosplay and fashion fusion brand called Lunatic Lemony Lollipop produced by model Amo.
Amo christened the brand name after the image of a tea party in a strange country held under a bright yellow moon. The first goods, including head accessories such as rabbits and demons (total of 24 types at 1,490 yen each), volume skirts (total of six types at 3,990 yen each), and pastel color wigs (total of 8 types at 5,490 and 5,990 yen each) are now on sale. Amo aimed at designs that are also incorporated into daily fashion based on coordination, as well as the party scene, of course. On June 15, an in-store event was held at a vintage boutique (G2?) in Jingumae, Shibuya. At a miscellaneous goods expo also held this month, a booth presenting Amo’s characteristic worldview will be exhibited and the second part of the story is scheduled to be announced.
Amo, born in 1991, made her entrance in fashions magazines such as Kera and Zipper to become a popular model. She has performed with Tokyo Girls Collection, Harajuku Style Collection, Nihon Kawaii Haku, and more, and last February released the stylebook Amo Scream (publisher: Wani Books). She has also formed a band with model Ayamo, called Amoyamo (produced by Kawase Tomoko), and is beginning to become active in the music scene.
Source: (Japanese)
Source article written by Takita Nao