Mastermind Japan x Be@rbrick No. 2 at Opaque Ginza

Series No. 2 of the Mastermind Japan x Be@rbrick collaboration named “Medicom Toy featuring Mastermind Japan 2nd” was available at The Style on the first floor of Opaque Ginza from April 24-30. The project was organized by the brand consulting company Special Product Design.

At the event, the latest collaboration items of the two brands were on sale. Two superalloy Be@rbricks adorned with motifs of the iconic Mastermind Stadium jumper and skull were available as sets. Two sets, gold stripes with chrome silver or silver stripes with chrome gold were available for 21,000 yen each. Aside from the parts for the joints, the main body parts of these figures are made of die-cast materials. Individual chrome silver Be@rbricks were also available for purchase in different sizes.

In addition, two types of print T-shirts created by Mastermind were included in the lineup. A Skull and Be@rbrick fused print T-shirt (15,750 yen) and T-shirt featuring a chest line decorated with 10 colorful Be@rbricks (17,850 yen) were on sale at the event. Both shirts came in either black or white.


Mastermind Japan x Be@rbrick No. 2 at Opaque Ginza 1
Mastermind Japan x Be@rbrick No. 2 at Opaque Ginza 2
Mastermind Japan x Be@rbrick No. 2 at Opaque Ginza 3
Mastermind Japan x Be@rbrick No. 2 at Opaque Ginza 4

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