“A Certain Scientific Railgun S” Episode 2 Recap: “Critical”

In preparation for the Metropolitan Society Observation, Mikoto and Kuroko go shopping together. Using a shortcut to the shopping mall, they travel through the back alleys, which are normally clear of other people. For some reason though, they are full of students. Thinking it strange, Mikoto and Kuroko continue along and find a hidden envelope with a money card stashed inside. According to Konori, similar incidents have been occurring all over the 7th district, and such reports are increasing day by day.

Mikoto then runs into Saten and spend the rest of the day searching for money cards with her. Nearing curfew and being completely exhausted, Mikoto begins to head home and overhears a group of Skill-Outs talking about how they found the “owner” of the money cards.
(from the official episode guide)

An outbreak of mysterious incidents involving money cards being hidden all throughout Academy City has main character Misaka Mikoto and the members of the citywide, student-run disciplinary committee Judgement baffled.

After a day-long outing with Saten, who apparently has the ability to sniff out where the money cards are hidden, Mikoto overhears a group of young guys talking about how they found the person who is dispersing the money cards! Picking up on their malicious intent, Mikoto decides to follow them to the location of the perpetrator. The group plans to steal the rest of the money cards and they go to an abandoned building to confront the person responsible for this slew of incidents that has all of Academy City in an uproar. Who they find at the abandoned building is a girl with a peculiar air about her.

The group of thugs begins searching for the remaining money cards. However, the girl warns them that she is an esper, to which they don’t believe her, and begins taking them out one by one. After the thugs are taken care of, Mikoto appears to confront this mysterious girl, who cryptically greets Mikoto by saying, “So, you’re the original.” Is this mysterious girl a friend or foe? What could she possibly mean by Mikoto being the “original”? Light will be shed on this mysterious development next time, so don’t miss it!

A Certain Scientific Railgun S Official Site:
http://www.project-railgun.net/ (Japanese)

“A Certain Scientific Railgun S” Episode 2 Recap: “Critical” 1

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