To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the debut of sci-fi manga master Leiji Matsumoto, who lived in Fukuoka Prefecture, an exhibit of Matsumoto’s treasures called “The World of Leiji Matsumoto” was held from April 26 to May 13 at the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum. More than 200 items were on display including pictures and collections that have rarely been seen before, treasured production materials, and more.
The works included in the exhibit were Space Battleship Yamato, Galaxy Express 999, and Space Pirate Captain Harlock, as well as many of Matsumoto’s other works.
A plethora of items were on display including scenery born from crafted stories, secrets regarding the creation of characters overflowing with charm, original drawings that had value even as works of art, first edition manga, production materials, and more. Furthermore, Matsumoto’s treasured private photography was also shown to the public for the first time. Also screened at the exhibit was a video of Matsumoto’s upbringing and adolescent years and his interactions with some of Japan’s representative manga artists like Osamu Tezuka and Tetsuya Chiba.
On April 28, Matsumoto himself attended the exhibit to hold a discussion and signing.
“The World of Leiji Matsumoto” Exhibit Site: (Japanese)
© 2012 Art Space Co., Ltd. / Leiji Matsumoto