Hetalia Figures & Merchandise
Later adapted into a popular manga and anime franchise, Hetalia began life as a webcomic created by Hidekaz Himaruya (AKA Hidekazu Himaruya, or Lord Hima to his fans). The series attempts to dramatize historical politics and exploit cultural stereotypes by anthropomorphizing various national characters.
Nominally set during World War II, Hetalia’s main cast of characters is made up of Allied nations such as the United States, Britain, France, Russia, and China, and Axis powers such as Germany, Italy, and Japan. Each of the characters embodies the stereotypes of his nation, with Italy loving pizza and pasta and being something of a ladies’ man, Germany praising order and discipline, Japan being very polite and hardworking, America being very gung-ho, Britain being a terrible cook, France being romantic, Russia loving vodka, and China often seen talking to pandas.
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