Girls und Panzer is the top-rated franchise that the world has been waiting for as it marries the exciting world of everyday high school girl life with ferocious tank warfare. Created as an original TV anime by Actas, the series has since been adapted as into a manga as well as a number of light novels.
The series’ protagonist Miho Nishizumi comes from a prestigious “Sensha-do” family and transferred to Oarai Girls’ High School to get away from the sport as she believed they no longer practiced “Tankery.” However, shortly after she arrives the school announces it’s bringing back Tankery and Miho is forced to join. Eventually she begins to enjoy the world of tanks all over again thanks to her tank-obsessed friends in the Anglerfish Team: Saori Takane, Hana Isuzu, Yukari Akiyama, and Mako Reizei.
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