Coroham Coron is a character line by Amuse, a plush toy maker known for the famous Alpacasso, Mameshiba San Kyodai, Kotori Tai, Kobuta no Ton Ton, Puchimaru, Pote Usa Loppy, Feneky the Fennec, and many other, mostly animal based series.
Coroham Coron features Coron and his friends, Ichigo-chan, Ice-kun, Goma-maru, Purin, Jan-kun, Momo-chan, Garichuu, Chamaru, and Yukimaru, a bunch of cuddly hamsters who like rolling around. You can find these adorable, puffy critters in various sizes from mini strap to jumbo on the TOM Premium Shop, so don’t hesitate to take a look!