One Piece: Unlimited World R Finally Releases! Information on New Characters, Quests, and Mini Games Revealed


On Nov. 21, Namco Bandai Games released the Nintendo 3DS game One Piece: Unlimited World R. The game costs ¥5,980 (tax included) and has a CERO rating of B (12 years and older).

Matching up with the release, it was revealed that Shanks, one of the four emperors and captain of the Red-Haired Pirates, Marshall D. Teech, captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, and Edward Newgate, captain of the of Whitebeard Pirates, also appear in the game. These dream battles that haven’t been realized before are a must see.

Let’s take a look at the gameplay, including fights with wild animals like T-rexs and dragons that block Luffy and the gang during quests, information on Dark General Franky who looks just like Franky’s robot General Franky, and mini games that include “Thriller Bark Card Rush” and “Luffy’s Baratie Dinner.”

Shanks and Blackbeard appear!
“Red-Haired” Shanks, the catalyst for Luffy becoming a pirate, and “Blackbeard” Marshall D. Teech, who holds the power of the most atrocious Devil Fruit, Dark-Dark Fruit, join the game in opposition to the Straw Hat Pirates. The game allows fights between these popular characters that can’t be enjoyed elsewhere.

Shanks: He doesn’t just have sword skills; he fights using his ambition. Fight him by dodging his powerful attacks and hitting him with a crushing blow.
Blackbeard: He fights using abilities from both the Dark-Dark Fruit and the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. The gap in defence between his powerful attacks is the time to strike.

The strongest pirate of the all, Whitebeard, also appears!
“Whitebeard” Edward Newgate, known as the strongest pirate in the world, also makes an appearance in the game. Take note of the showdown between him and the Straw Hat Pirates, a situation that wouldn’t happen anywhere else but in this game.

Whitebeard: His strong and admirable attacking abilities aren’t just for show. However, if you slip through his blind spot and attack, you’ll have a fighting chance.

A variety of pirate quests!
The game isn’t just comprised of the main story, there are also many excellent quests to undertake. These span a wide range, from gathering quests like bug catching and fishing to animal hunting quests against T-rexs and other wild animals. By clearing many quests, you can up your pirate rank and take on even tougher quests.

Except quests from Yadoya, an original character who appears in the game.

A variety of quests have been prepared. Players receive items as a reward for clearing quests. Also, by using Pirate Points that are accumulated from clearing quests, new quests can be unlocked. In monster hunting quests, players will face off against T-rexs, the most fearsome carnivores in history, and different types of dragons including ice and thunder. Use appropriate attacks and make use of your surroundings to best these wild beasts.


Thunder Dragon

Ice Dragon

There are also quests that will pit players against the mysterious doppelganger to General Franky, Black General Franky. Defeat this enemy to receive extravagant rewards.

Avoid Black General Franky’s attacks while he is wielding a katana. When he averts his gaze, that is the time to strike.

Intriguing mini games abound!
In addition to quests, there are many mini games in which to earn Pirate Points. The two we’ve included here are “Thriller Bark Card Rush” and “Luffy’s Baratie Dinner.”

Thriller Bark Card Rush
Luffy’s Baratie Dinner

Pirate points earned depends on the score, so play these often and aim for the high score. Pirate Points earned here can also be used to unlock more quests.

One Piece: Unlimited World R Official Site

Source: 4Gamer
Source article written by Chihiro

© Eiichiro Oda / Shueisha Inc., Fuji TV Inc., Toei Animation Co. Ltd.
© 2013 NBGI

Shanks: One of the four emperors and captain of the Red-Haired Pirates. He is admired by Luffy. Even Sengoku, the former fleet admiral of the navy, takes his hat off to him.
Shanks: One of the four emperors and captain of the Red-Haired Pirates. He is admired by Luffy. Even Sengoku, the former fleet admiral of the navy, takes his hat off to him.
Marshall D. Teech: Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates and former second in command of the Whitebeard Pirates. Using the Dark-Dark Fruit, he can temporarily nullify the abilities of his adversary’s Devil Fruit.
Marshall D. Teech: Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates and former second in command of the Whitebeard Pirates. Using the Dark-Dark Fruit, he can temporarily nullify the abilities of his adversary’s Devil Fruit.
Marshall D. Teech
Marshall D. Teech
Edward Newgate: Revered as the strongest pirate in the world, known as “Whitebeard.” He is the wielder of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit which he uses to create shockwaves. He is also the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. He treats his friends like family.
Edward Newgate: Revered as the strongest pirate in the world, known as “Whitebeard.” He is the wielder of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit which he uses to create shockwaves. He is also the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. He treats his friends like family.
His strong and admirable attacking abilities aren’t just for show. However, if you slip through his blind spot and attack, you’ll have a fighting chance.
His strong and admirable attacking abilities aren’t just for show. However, if you slip through his blind spot and attack, you’ll have a fighting chance.
There are so many pirate quests! Accept quests from Yadoya, an original character who appears in the game.
There are so many pirate quests! Accept quests from Yadoya, an original character who appears in the game.
Some quests will pit you against a T-rex, the most fearsome carnivore in history. You could also be attacked by two at once, so stay sharp.
Some quests will pit you against a T-rex, the most fearsome carnivore in history. You could also be attacked by two at once, so stay sharp.
Pay close attention to the incessant lightning. Get hit by it and your character will become paralysed.
Pay close attention to the incessant lightning. Get hit by it and your character will become paralysed.
Let this dragon’s ice breath touch you and you’ll become frozen and unable to move. This dragon is more ferocious than others and often tries to bite, so take caution.
Let this dragon’s ice breath touch you and you’ll become frozen and unable to move. This dragon is more ferocious than others and often tries to bite, so take caution.
General Franky is a robot made by Straw Hat Pirates member Franky. In the game, a mysterious doppelganger called Black General Franky appears.
General Franky is a robot made by Straw Hat Pirates member Franky. In the game, a mysterious doppelganger called Black General Franky appears.
Avoid Black General Franky’s attacks while he is wielding a katana. When he averts his gaze, that is the time to strike.
Avoid Black General Franky’s attacks while he is wielding a katana. When he averts his gaze, that is the time to strike.
Thriller Bark Card Rush
Thriller Bark Card Rush
Luffy’s Baratie Dinner
Luffy’s Baratie Dinner

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