Code Geass to Launch New Anime And Smartphone Game!

Code Geass to Launch New Anime And Smartphone Game!

Mecha franchise Code Geass is set to release a new sequel anime, with its first smartphone game also set to launch next spring!

Titled Code Geass: Z of the Recapture, the new anime serves as a sequel to Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection, a movie that premiered in 2019.

Meanwhile, smartphone game Code Geass Genesic Re;CODE will bring together fan favorite characters with new protagonists: Al (voiced by Horie Shun), Gigi (Takada Yuki), and Archive (Hanamori Yumiri).

The franchise's creators, Taniguchi Goro and Okouchi Ichiro, will supervise the project with Sunrise producing. Original character design will be provided by CLAMP. The game's official website is currently accepting preregistrations.

Both the new anime and game are part of Code Geass' project for the coming decade, which marks 15 years since the beginning of the franchise.

Code Geass began in 2006 as an anime series created by Sunrise, going on to become a hit title worldwide. 2016 marked its 10th anniversary, during which a three-part compilation film series and sequel film Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection was announced.

Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!

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