Yuri!!! on Ice Streams 2019 Teaser Trailer Online!

Yuri!!! on Ice Streams 2019 Teaser Trailer Online!

Upcoming anime movie Yuri!!! on Ice the Movie: Ice Adolescence has begun streaming a trailer previously unavailable to the public!

First shown exclusively at a Yuri!!! on Ice TV anime event in 2019, the trailer features scenes of Victor Nikiforov in his younger days.

The trailer was accompanied by a statement from the production committee reassuring fans that the movie is well underway. However, they apologised for not being able to announce a firm release date.

Yuri!!! on Ice the Movie: Ice Adolescence was previously scheduled for release in 2019. However, according to an official announcement in Sept. 2019, it was delayed in order to "substantially scale up the content more than originally planned."


*Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!

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