Cells at Work! Code Black Releases 2nd PV and Visual!

Cells at Work! Code Black Releases 2nd PV and Visual!

Upcoming anime Cells at Work! Code Black has released a new trailer and poster visual ahead of its Jan. 9 airdate!

The show has also announced additional casting: Shiina Hekiru as Macrophage, Sarah Emi Bridcutt as Liver Cell, and Hirakawa Daisuke as Brain Cell (Command).

Rock band Polysics will perform the show’s main theme while Yamasaki Seiya (Kyuso Nekokami) will perform the opening theme. Voice actors Enoki Junya (Red Blood Cell) and Hikasa Yoko (White Blood Cell) will provide guest vocals on the ending theme.

A spin-off to popular manga Cells at Work!, Code Black takes place inside the body of a man who leads a lifestyle of heavy drinking, smoking, and insufficient sleep - meaning a lot of extra work for his anthropomorphised cells.

Cells at Work! Code Black airs from Jan. 9.

(C) Harada Shigemitsu, Hatsuyoshi Issei, Shimizu Akane / Kodansha / Code Black Project

Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!

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