Set to begin broadcasting this autumn, URAHARA is the TV anime adaptation of the PARK: Harajuku Crisis Team! webmanga. Set in the otaku themed Harajuku fashion store Park, it centres around three of the shop assistants who find themselves battling an alien invasion.
The three main girls will be played by Haruna Luna (as Sudo Rito), Uesaka Sumire (as Shirako Mari) and Iwami Manaka (Mentsumugi Kotoko) with two of the leading voice actresses also providing the opening and ending themes.
Uesaka Sumire will sing the anime’s opening theme, Antithesis Escape.
Meanwhile, the ending will be performed by Haruna Luna.
Three additional cast members have also been announced. Amano Kokoa will be playing Maruno Misa.
Matsumoto Yasunori will voice Misa’s Fried Shrimp pet.
Finally, Iida Riho is to play Sayumin, a friend of the three girls who works in a crepe shop.
ⒸURAHARA Film Partners
Source: PR TIMES