Discover Which Areas of Japan Are Home to the Most Anime Locations!

Discover Which Areas of Japan Are Home to the Most Anime Locations!

Have you always dreamed of visiting real-life locations from your favourite anime series? Thanks to DIC Corporation's Seichi Junrei Map you can do exactly that without even leaving the house! These so-called "sacred grounds" can be found all over the country, and Seichi Junrei Map makes finding them easier than ever. DIC Corporation has worked out how many of the locations registered to its map are located in each area of Japan, revealing which of Japan's prefectures and cities are the most popular for anime settings!

■ The Tokyo Metropolitan Area Takes First Place with an Impressive 1,712 Locations!
DIP Corporation worked out how many of the sacred grounds registered on the Seichi Junrei Map (as of Nov. 22) are located in each area of Japan, and the Tokyo metropolitan area came in first with a total of 1,712 spots. Kanagawa Prefecture came in second with 371, while the Kyoto metropolitan area came in third with 269. The top four areas on the list remain unchanged from last year's ranking, each showing a stable increase in sacred grounds.

■ Gifu Prefecture Soars to Fifth Place with 3.2 Times More Holy Lands Than in May 2014
The phrase "seichi junrei" has been getting popular this year, and it was even nominated for the Shingo/Ryukogo Taisho (New Word/Buzzword Grand Prix). More and more anime sacred grounds are popping up all over Japan, but Gifu Prefecture in particular has been blessed with a new selection of them. The incredibly popular anime movies Your Name and A Silent Voice both feature several Gifu locations, causing the number of anime spots in Gifu Prefecture to rise around 3.2 times to an impressive total of 149. That's an increase of over 100 since a May 2014 poll!

Click here to check out the Seichi Junrei Map Anime Sacred Ground Ranking!

What Is Seichi Junrei Map?
Meaning "Pilgrimage Map," Seichi Junrei Map is the world's first online service that lets anime fans explore locations that appear in their favourite series without even having to leave the house. The website uses Google Street View so that fans can check out 5,000 registered locations and embark on a virtual pilgrimage to sacred anime spots.

Source:PR Times

Discover Which Areas of Japan Are Home to the Most Anime Locations! 1
Discover Which Areas of Japan Are Home to the Most Anime Locations! 2

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