This year’s Summer Comiket (Natsucomi) recorded over 530,000 attendees across a total of 3 days. Attendance was up compared to this past winter Comiket, though still slightly lower than last summer’s Comiket attendance of 550,000.
Notable differences for this year’s Natsucomi include the scaled back appearance for official commercial booths, which were only open for the first and second day of the event. Despite this, the third day still recorded the highest attendance rate out of 3 days at 210,000! The event opened on a breezy morning in Tokyo; lasting briefly for a day before the summer heat caught up with event goers throughout the weekend in days 2 and 3. And as usual, the Tokyo Otaku Mode News Team made it out to scope out the booths as well as the great cosplays that gathered!

The lines never end...

Check out the rest of the photos below =) We hope you enjoyed this virtual tour of Comiket 90 as much as we did the event! See you in winter this year for Comiket 91!
This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article by Jessica T. with photography by Takemori S. and Hara T.