Noragami Aragoto, the second season of the anime adaptation of Adachitoka’s popular manga, will begin broadcasting this October on MBS, Tokyo MX, and BS Fuji. Other news is continuing to be released as well. This includes a newly released key visual, Ryotaro Okiayu joining the cast as Ebisu, and information on a special voice project called “Yato Phone” to be held on Aug. 10 during “Yato’s Day” and the event Yato Festival to be held on Oct. 3 and 4.
The key visual shows the main characters including Yato standing as if they’re each deep in thought about something. New character for season 2 Ebisu is also shown for the first time.
Voicing Ebisu will be Ryotaro Okiayu. Ebisu is one of the seven gods and is a dry-humored merchant. He is highly popular even in the original manga. It is for this reason that attention is building over how Okiayu will voice him.
On Aug. 10, Yato’s Day, a special voice project “Yato Phone” will be enacted in celebration of the special day. This project was also held before the broadcast of the first season and it proved popular with over 1 million messages received. Wonder what that Yato Phone says this time?... Call 080-0910-8100 to find out.
A special event titled Yato Festival will also be held in Geidankyo in Shinjuku on Oct. 3 and 4. In addition to an advance screening of the anime, the event will include a Bon Festival dance with Noragami work songs, a riddle-solving game, and limited edition merchandise for sale. It will be an event steeped in the charms of Noragami.
Noragami is a dark action fantasy series by Adachitoka currently serialized in Monthly Shonen Magazine. The story follows the “delivery god” Yato, a minor god who strives to solve the problems of people in need, middle school girl Hiyori who becomes part phantom after saving Yato, and Yato’s shinki Yukine. The first season of the anime was broadcast beginning in January 2014, and over 4 million copies of the original manga series have been sold. The long-awaited second season of the anime will begin this October.
Noragami Aragoto
© Adachitoka, Kodansha Ltd. / Noragami Aragoto Production Committee
Source: animeanime
Source article written by Shigeyoshi Okimoto