Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade

Hello everyone, Kahotan here! @gsc_kahotan

My favorite donuts are Choco Fashion and French Cruller! Not to mention those chocolate donuts with a coconut topping! Anyway, today I’m going to be taking a look at this figure that went up for preorder today!

Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade!

From ‘Kizumonogatari’ comes a 1/8th scale of the most powerful of the oddities also known as the ‘Oddity Killer’, Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade. The figure is based on one of the key visuals from the anime, featuring Kiss-shot crouched down on her knees in a pose that faithfully preserves the feeling of the original illustration and shows off her lady-like curves as well as the strong determination in her eyes.
Even the areas that were never visible in the original illustration such as the back of her hair have been very intricately sculpted, and the detailed base she sits upon has been made to look like the surface of water to bring out the atmosphere of the series even more. A product that any fan of the series will be proud to own!

Sorry for the long wait!!! (´□`。)

The iron-blooded, hot-blooded, cold-blooded vampire: Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade has finally been completed and is ready for orders!!

Just look at her fearless, cunning smile and confident eyes!!

She holds Kokorowatari close with both arms wearing long gloves that give her a very charming appearance! Her characteristic long, blond hair, golden eyes and rather bountiful bosom have also all been carefully sculpted to bring out that charm even more!

Let’s take a closer look at each of them in turn…! (●´ω`●)

- Hair -

Each of the strands seems to be moving with a mind of their own, giving the hair a powerful dynamic appearance!

The original illustration never showed this part of her hair, so this section has to be thought up during the sculpting! Even from this angle where you can’t even see her expression, there is a certain power to the way she looks that shows just why she is known as the ‘Oddity Killer’! (‘-’*)(,_,*)(‘-’*)(,_,*)

- Eyes -

Her clear eyes show off her strong will, but when combined with that smile give her such a cunning appearance… she really looks like she is carefully plotting something!

Personally I think it looks like she’s targeting her next prey…! (´□`。)

I kind of get the feeling that I should look away when I meet her eyes… like looking at them is only going to get me into trouble!

- Body -

Side boob…!!!?
**I added a question mark there in my excitement!**

Just beneath her upper arm is a large bosom that no one could possibly miss, and the outfit shows off quite a lot of bare skin too! The soft, squishy appearance is only backed up by her tight-fitting outfit at her waist and the lovely lady-like body line of her back! ♡

By the way!

The area inside the skirt is hidden for the most part, but if you look close you’ll see she is wearing high-heels inside there! If it was any lighter you’d probably see a little bit more as well… <○><○>

The various little tears in her skirt also allow you to take a few peeks at her thighs and enjoy the meticulous sculpt work that continues even in areas that aren’t easily visible!!

△The frills and red outfit itself really look as if they are made from fabric!

Kiss-shot has so much to enjoy for just one figure!
**I also had to include this release photo!!**

**This photo was taken to recreate the key visual of Kizumonogatari!**

I-it’s amazing!! The atmosphere is captured so well, and that dark look…

Anyway, I have one more special point to look at!

- Base -

A rather suspiciously colored water surface! (; ・`д・´)

If you look close you’ll notice that rocks, her legs and outfit are all actually visibly immersed in the water!

The stand definitely brings out the atmosphere of the series even more, to make a figure that any fan will be proud to own! ♥︎

Be sure to add the Queen of Odditys’ charm to your collection!
**Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade!**

She is currently up for preorder! ♡
Product Page for USA customers.
Product Page for other countries.

She is also available from the GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP! Orders are open until the 17th June at 21:00JST!

Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade (Online Shop Page)

© 西尾維新/講談社・アニプレックス・シャフト

Source: Good Smile Official Blog
Source article written by gsckahotan

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