For the past three days, we have been announcing your favorite Hatsune Miku songs, and now we finally come to the top 10 songs on the ranking!
All you diehard Miku fans out there may already know all the songs on this ranking, but they are all worth listening to again and again, aren’t they?
And now we come to the song shining gloriously at the top of the ranking!
Look forward to more Miku-centric features to come right here on Tokyo Otaku Mode!
10. The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku
9. magnet
8. Love is War
7. Black Rock Shooter
6. World End Dance Hall
5. PoPiPo
4. Melt
3. Tell Your World
2. Romeo and Cinderella
1. The World Is Mine
March 9 is Hatsune Miku Day!
In Japanese, three can be pronounced as both “mi” and “san.” Nine can be pronounced as both “ku” and “kyu.” Therefore, March 9 can be pronounced, for the sake of pronunciation play, as “Miku” and “sankyuu,” which sounds like thank you. That is why March 9th is day for appreciation of Hatsune Miku.
Tokyo Otaku Mode operates on the idea of “bringing happiness to the world through otaku culture.” Hatsune Miku is a big part of Japan’s otaku culture, so we had to do something exciting for Miku Day, March 9.
Therefore, we will be featuring Hatsune Miku for two weeks beginning on March 9!
The following will be featured:
1, Sale on Hatsune Miku products
2, Introductions to Hatsune Miku illustrations and music
3, In-depth articles related to Hatsune Miku
Plus! A concurrent campaign is also being held with exclusive Hatsune Miku products as prizes! Get the details here!