Chinese pork dumplings based on Kyubey from the anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica will be available in Lawson convenience stores starting Nov. 4. Oh how I’ve waited for the chance to split Kyubey in two, and take a big bite out of it… Anyway, I was invited to a special taste test where I devoured many without restraint.

Each of these pork dumplings is composed of the traditional white batter, with two red rings for eyes and a “ω” for a mouth. Ears could not be included because they would come off during transit, but even without them it’s clear that these could be nothing but Kyubey dumplings. There’s just something so cute about Kyubey! By the way, they have apparently been made to look particularly Kyubey-esque from a 45-degree diagonal angle.

The event staff and developers at the taste test all had fun trying out various ways of eating the dumplings, like breaking the head in half without pause, or taking a giant bite out of its face. Usually, I feel hesitant when eating character-themed foods because it destroys the design, but for some reason I felt instinctually compelled to devour these Kyubey dumplings. Hmm, do I have a grudge against Kyubey? I wonder…

These Kyubey dumplings will be sold for 165 JPY apiece (tax included). They’re perfectly delicious for eating, but also serve well for expressing any feelings you have, good or bad, towards Kyubey. Gobbling down a few of these in various ways will surely result in an involuntary “Kyuppi!” (the burping sound Kyubey makes in the series).
I’m sure Homura-chan could eat a few hundred.

Source: Netlabo
Source article written by Takahiro Kuroki
Writer Profile:
Takahiro Kuroki
Born in 1988. Freelance writer from Kagoshima Prefecture. Mainly writes about manga, Japanese festivals and traditions for the news site Netolabo. Interests include tribal masks, Japanese dance culture and rock ‘n’ roll.
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