Yoshihiro Togashi’s Hunter x Hunter is Resuming Serialization!

Image source: Weekly Shonen Jump official site.

It’s been announced that after a long hiatus from Weekly Shonen Jump, Yoshihiro Togashi’s manga Hunter x Hunter will resume serialization. According to the official site, details on this will be announced in the double issue of the magazine on sale April 28.

Hunter x Hunter is a manga known for often disappearing from print. Since March 2012, the series has been out of serialization for more than a year consecutively (excluding non-serialized publications).

Thirty-two volumes of the manga have been published to date, with a total of over 65 million copies sold. Because of this series’ high popularity, fans had been waiting eagerly for the serialization to pick back up, with rumors of a restart never panning out. The TV anime is also currently airing on Nippon TV at 25:59 every Tuesday.

Source: KAI-YOU
Source article written by Yuya Yoshida

Image source: Weekly Shonen Jump official site.
Image source: *Weekly Shonen Jump* official site.

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