A Game with an Invisible Protagonist: Introducing Rain Through a Gameplay Video

On Oct. 3, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia released Rain, a download-only game for the PlayStation 3. This game themed around stray children is about an invisible boy and a girl wandering around in a rainy town. Let us introduce the beginning of this unusual action-adventure game with a gameplay video.

The protagonist is transparent, so when he is hit by the rain, his silhouette emerges, and where there is no rain, he becomes completely invisible. Through this, the player can experience the uncertainty of not being able to see himself and the terror of being pursued by enemies, bringing to life a unique playing sensation, which is the most interesting point of this game.

The fact that the protagonist is invisible might evoke some concerns in controllability, but they solved that pretty well in this game. For instance, even if you disappear, you can still see your footprints for a while from being soaked under the rain, or, if you bump into some object, like a bin or a bag, you will have an approximate idea of your position. Also, as you move forward in stages, the mental state of the boy is written on the screen. Plus, the camera angle always shows the direction you are facing, so you almost never lose your way to the destination. Although the theme is “lost children,” it doesn’t sway the player off the track with tricks; it is thorough, easy to understand, and easy to play.

Although we only show the beginning of the game in this video, there will be more surprises as you move forward, so people who like different worlds or are interested in a unique gaming experience should definitely try Rain.

Source: 4Gamer

© Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Rain gameplay video
*Rain* gameplay video
A Game with an Invisible Protagonist: Introducing Rain Through a Gameplay Video 2
A Game with an Invisible Protagonist: Introducing Rain Through a Gameplay Video 3
A Game with an Invisible Protagonist: Introducing Rain Through a Gameplay Video 4
A Game with an Invisible Protagonist: Introducing Rain Through a Gameplay Video 5
A Game with an Invisible Protagonist: Introducing Rain Through a Gameplay Video 6

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