Director Yoshiura Gets Roaring Applause at “Patema Inverted” World Premiere in Annecy, France

Although Patema Inverted will be released in theaters Japan-wide on Nov. 9, it made its appearance in France slightly earlier: It was officially screened at Annecy International Animated Film Festival 2013, the world’s biggest animation film festival which was held from June 10-15. As these two screenings–one at 10 a.m. on the 13th and one at 6 p.m. on the 14th–were the first worldwide, they marked its world premiere, as well as its debut among the animated film makers and the general audience of fans gathered.

Even before the film was screened, it was the subject of much attraction due to the reputation of director Yasuhiro Yoshiura’s previous work, Time of Eve, already having reached France. The tickets for the screening were sold out a few hours after reservations started, and the line waiting for cancels was also considerably long.

Of course, the theater was filled with enthusiasm as well. As director Yoshiura appeared, the viewers welcomed him with loud cheers. After the screening started, the laughter and surprise in each scene passed onto the whole audience; it was a reaction distinctive of excellent film works, and one that exceeds national boundaries. When the screening ended, the audience burst into a great applause. After that, everyone moved venues for an exchange meeting with the director in the form of Q&A from the viewers. The fans, still enthusiastic, asked questions about various things, such as the core of this anime, “the mystery of inversion,” and the relationship between Patema and Age. The Q&A session lasted for more than an hour.

Patema Inverted has made its debut in the world early, and it was also decided that it would be released in France and England before Japan. Other offers and inquiries regarding screening are coming in from numerous countries. In Japan, the release date might still be far away, but it is without a doubt that many fans await that day.

Source: (Japanese)

© Yasuhiro Yoshiura / Sakasama Film Committee 2013

Director Yoshiura Gets Roaring Applause at “Patema Inverted” World Premiere in Annecy, France 1
Director Yoshiura Gets Roaring Applause at “Patema Inverted” World Premiere in Annecy, France 2

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