“The Flowers of Evil” Episode 4 Recap

Night after night, you appear and vanish,
The woman in the blue dream: my angel.
With that voice, scent and smile of yours,
You heal my soul and my dreadful passions.
No matter how much they disdain me,
My angel, full of happiness and light.
If you could just once turn your azure love
Toward this poor, dying man knocked into despair,
Even the fire of life that has started to burn out will revive,
And shine radiant once again.
(from the official episode guide)

His classmates turn away from Takao for standing up for Nakamura. The only one still talking to him is Saeki.

“That was cool of you” - Takao, feeling upheaved by her words of praise, asks out Saeki for a date, but the scene is witnessed by Nakamura.

Takao sneers at Nakamura for her attitude, as he suspects it might be out of envy. “I decided. I’ll peel it all off. I’ll peel off all the skin that covers Takao-kun” - what did Nakamura want right before the date?

There is no way it is going to be a normal date. Finally, the “flowers of evil” open their petals...

TV Anime The Flowers of Evil Official Site:
http://akunohana-anime.jp/ (Japanese)

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