Famous Vocaloid Songs “Nechi Nechi” and “Kuwagata” Become a Stage Play

From Feb. 23-24, the famous Vocaloid songs “Nenchakukei Danshi no 15 Nen Nechi Nechi” (“15 Tenacious Years of a Pertinacious Boy”) and “Kuwagata ni Chop Shitara Timeslip Shita” (“Time Slipped When I Chopped the Stag Beetle”) were performed three times as a theatrical stage performance at the Koiwa Urban Plaza. The performance was created by the theatrical troupe Burioche, who combined the songs into one story called “Nechi x Kuwa.”

Both songs are representative works of the Vocaloid producer Ie no Ura de Manbo ga Shinderu P, whose specialty is crafting strong melodies with unique stories. The story of “Kuwagata” was actually published by P as a novel.

Burioche, who has experience bringing Vocaloid songs to the theatrical stage, took notice of P’s work. The story of Burioche’s performance follows a young man who has continued to compose poems for 15 years and two girls who have jumped 50 years into the future.

Burioche Official Site:
http://akunoseries.web.fc2.com/ (Japanese)

http://nlab.itmedia.co.jp/nl/articles/1302/05/news150.html (Japanese)

Famous Vocaloid Songs “Nechi Nechi” and “Kuwagata” Become a Stage Play 1
Famous Vocaloid Songs “Nechi Nechi” and “Kuwagata” Become a Stage Play 2

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