Fifth Round of Extra Content for “Yakuza 5” Released

On Jan. 15, SEGA released the newest extra content for the PS3 game Yakuza 5 (*Ryu ga Gotoku 5: Yume Kanaeshi Mono*). The new content includes Sawamura Haruka in a white costume singing “Kimi Hairu Kara”, as well as Brawl Relief Supplies such as Pinzoro’s note and the inclusion of the Kami Muromachi Enjoy Pack.

Brawl Relief Supplies are item sets that are useful in battle. These can be used in the Premium New Game and Premium Adventure modes once the Story Mode is completed. Players can receive these items from convenience stores.

The Kami Muromachi Enjoy Pack is a set of items that are useful at amusement areas. These can also be used in the Premium New Game and Premium Adventure modes once the Story Mode is completed. Players can receive these items from convenience stores as well.

Even more limited time special functions, costumes, item packs, and more content to enjoy are planned to be released free of charge for Yakuza 5. Instead of waiting, why not try out these new items now?

Source: (Japanese)


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