The TV anime “Girls und Panzer” has gained popularity since it began broadcasting in October. On November 18, a festival was held in Oarai, Ibaraki which featured various festivities in which the main cast of Girls und Panzer participated. The festivities starting at 10 a.m. at the train station in Oarai where a ceremony was held commemorating the debut of the Girls und Panzer train. At 1 p.m., the cast performed together on stage at the Marine Tower in Oarai. The cast included Mai Fuchigami (Nishizumi Miho), Ai Kayano (Takebi Saori), Mami Ozaki (Isuzu Hana), Ikumi Nakagami (Akiyama Yukari), and Yuka Iguchi (Reizei Mako). At 3 p.m., inside the Oarai Resort Outlet shopping center, the cast gathered for a talk show. On the second floor of the venue, episode 1 to episode 5.5 of the TV anime was televised. Throughout the festival, a Girls und Panzer shuttle was also in service from the festival site to the train station. It was definitely an extravagant Girls und Panzer event that had the whole town excited.
This article contains translated excerpts from (Japanese).