


Incredible Detail!


There's a lot to love about this figure: first off, it's very large for a 1/7th figure, at least compared to the other ones I own. The design of the figure is also great. Even if it's a simple pose, the details like the hands and the head tilt give him a lot of personality. And the clothes! The clothes are fantastic. They have texture, they have wrinkles, they make it look like it's truly someone walking down the street, albeit an itty bitty someone. I'm definitely going to try to get my hands on more of this collection because Kaworu did not disappoint at all.

Can’t Wait!


Looking forward to counting off 2024 with this! The illustrations are gorgeous and have a fair showing of all the characters from the anime, and I adore the backs that are manga panel montages. You can’t actually write anything on the days, but I’ll circle important dates and stare at pretty pictures.



It took her a while to get here, but Miku is finally home and placed and she looks wonderful. Definite showstopper. Love the translucency and gradients in the hair, love all the little flower details, love the pastel effect, and love how easy she was to assemble. I wish the base was a little more substantial—not fancy, just heavier—because I think a solid light yellow or something similar would have worked nicer than the one she’s actually on, which is very thin and cheap looking compared to ~her~ but would still buy again!

perfectly stylized~


Wow okay first things first, those photos don't do this figure justice. The colors pop a LOT more and Lio does not appear so pastel. The blues especially are darker and way more of an intense teal that shades into the purple and pink flames. The details of the hair (again, more color contrast than the photo shows), the face, and his clothes are incredible, of course, and the base is so fantastic and gives the whole figure this amazing...presence? I'll call it presence. It's so dynamic and I love the dedication to the symbolism behind shapes that's so prominent in the film, the base composed of starkly colored triangles that flare into flames. The figure looks stunning, an...Read moreClose

so elegant!


i can't believe i'm writing 'elegant' about a nendo, but lwj's robes, expressions, and postures are all so poised and detailed. he's easy to pose and looks wonderful next to wwx—their visual contrast is perfect. the way the parts fit together is very clever and easy as well. love him!

Really Impressive!


Okay, so if you ever have that moment when you open a box and go 'holy moly', this might be it. Allen is absolutely HUGE, which I guess I should have suspected with the billowing coat, massive sword slung over his shoulder, and the base of throwing dice, but I underestimated just how impressive he would be. The details are amazing, I love the subtle differences between the two facial expressions, the dice are such a good, artistic choice for Allen, and he really is impressive in scale—you definitely want to know where he's going before he's delivered to your door. There is a support pole for the coat but it's a little unclear where exactly it's meant to su...Read moreClose

Simple and Beautiful


I feel like this is the Natsume figure I've been waiting for~
I think I understand how difficult it can be to design scales for characters like Natsume. He's not a fighter, not an idol, doesn't have any real jazzy OPs or EDs to use as inspo, and doesn't often wear flashy clothing (though I'd still kill for a figure with the Houzukigami disguise). That basically rules out 95% of scale figure poses. So instead, what we get is this wonderful, peaceful scene that is very simple, calming, and sort of like the show itself. The folds in the clothing, the coloring on the kimono, and the sparkle in Natsume's eye are very wonderfully detailed and speak to the craft...
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such a cutie and well designed


Very cute design, the parts are adjustable but connect very solidly, I love the variety of items and facial expressions. Sometimes I feel that nendos sacrifice functionality for more variety of poses, but WWX seems the perfect blend to me—there are plenty of poses but the design of the arms keeps things stable. The arms still adjust at the shoulder, but most adjustments are done by swapping out the flaring sleeves and hands, which is very easy to do. The one small complaint I would have is the recurring problem with all long-haired nendos and it's that the hair can make it difficult when trying to attach the nendo to the base, but the ponytail is easily adjustable so there's ...Read moreClose

Best Mashu?


The beautiful design of the kimono, the details of the flower decorations, the way the hair is partially translucent and flows around her face—this figure goes so far beyond recreating the illustration it was based off of, and is a gorgeous, dynamic figure that instantly catches the eye with the stunning detail and joyous expression on her face. Personally, I find her one of the most beautiful of a lot of the Fate figures, and we're talking about a lot of really quality figures here. All the elements come together to make something just...really worth it. Really worth it. Also ease of assembly 10/10—the shield attaches to the hand easily and everything fits on the base snug ...Read moreClose

Alter continues to set standards


Alter continues to be the company setting the precedent for beautiful scale figures. Kotori is bursting with life and motion and looks stunning when viewed from a distance and when checking out all the little details. At this point, just knowing a figure is made by Alter is enough to make me certain it will be absolutely beautiful, no reassurance needed.



Simply put: she's beautiful. The details on her armor are lovely and the figure as a whole has great composition and looks good from pretty much every angle. The serene expression on her face is very much like her composure in the mobile game and the flag completes the figure perfectly. Notes: it is big. The base is large, the flag adds a lot of volume, and the height of the pole could be difficult to place. Is it worth it? To me, 1000%. But if you have limited space, it's something to think about. There were also no instructions included in the packaging, so it will take a while to get her set up, and some pieces included in the kit don't end up being used at all, which is co...Read moreClose

very cute!


It's a nice light outfit that also allows you to carry your pet around, so what a bonus! The detachable pocket is a real plus for being able to clean. One issue that doesn't effect me since I'm carrying a rat around and not a cat, but the pocket seems awfully small, and I ordered a larger size. I'm not sure if I had a cat I could fit it in the pocket comfortably. But other than that, good material, solid build, would buy clothes from this line again.

super cute and fun to pose


I think it goes without saying that Mash in Nendo form is just super, super adorable, but I also like the versatility of the poses. The shield is built in such a way that it can be held at any angle, which makes her much easier to pose, and the variety of arm and leg parts helps with that as well. It's solidly put together without any fiddly bits to worry about. Just a well done Nendo, top to bottom.

most quality figure i own, hands down


what an absolutely beautiful saber figure! the details of the base, the motorcycle, and saber herself are crafted wonderfully, and the sense of movement to the figure makes her so dynamic compared to others it's not fair to place them side by side. the suit was a great look for saber and the set-up and pose they chose to accompany it is very fitting and really compliments the tone of the zero anime as a bit grittier and mature in theme (as compared to some of the cuter saber figures out there, who are very cute but don't really match zero as a show). even with a limited color scheme, the pose and the details make this figure simply beautiful and a cut above the rest, whether fate r...Read moreClose

i wrote this review about kyoko so might as well put it here as well


I bought Kyoko and Sayaka to go together and both figures are wonderfully detailed in their sculpting, charming from all angles, and super adorable while in-character. My favorite part that I didn't get from the sample pictures was how colorful both girls are, with distinct patterns on their clothing and a design that is fun and beautiful all at once. They really pop out among my collection and I love them all the more for it. Plus, they're both really solid figures, even with the details that look like they should be super fragile, and the extra arm piece that allows them to hold hands fits well with hardly a seam. The bases they stand on are cute and patterned as well, which was ...Read moreClose

beautiful figure


I bought Kyoko and Sayaka to go together and both figures are wonderfully detailed in their sculpting, charming from all angles, and super adorable while in-character. My favorite part that I didn't get from the sample pictures was how colorful both girls are, with distinct patterns on their clothing and a design that is fun and beautiful all at once. They really pop out among my collection and I love them all the more for it. Plus, they're both really solid figures, even with the details that look like they should be super fragile, and the extra arm piece that allows them to hold hands fits well with hardly a seam. The bases they stand on are cute and patterned as well, which was ...Read moreClose

very cute, a little small


It's a very sweet little collection of envelopes, paper pads, and stickers. I can totally see leaving cute little notes for someone using the stationary, and the stickers were made to just stick wherever I need a pop of color. Some of the envelopes are incredibly small and a little difficult to use because of that, but everything else is on point.

pictures don't do him justice


I'll admit I was a little hesitant about this figure, judging from the preview photos. Mikleo didn't really look up to par with the other Zestiria figures, but when he became available at the TOM shop, I figured I would chance it and order him. A great decision as it turns out. In person, Mikleo has much more life to him than the preview suggests, the facial expression more subtle and eyes more dynamic. The details are gorgeous and I'm so happy with him, and eager to pair him up with the other Zestiria scales. Some companies offering this figure had a bonus hair piece that would reveal the circlet around his forehead, which isn't available with a TOM purchase, which is a ...Read moreClose

cute and cuddly


Extremely soft and perfect for cuddling. The shape makes it great for sleeping on/with (if that's your thing), but it also sits upright easily for display.

beautiful figure


The figure is exquisitely detailed and beautiful in basically every way. The wings are a little difficult to attach so be gentle, but she's absolutely lovely. Though technically a little small, I think this is the perfect, cheaper alternative to other Godoka figures, and the fact she's smaller doesn't deter from the quality or how happy I am with her—so glad I went with this option instead of any other.

pretty cute


These are very cute and the perfect size for pinning on bags etc. The backing is a bit loose though, so I think I'm going to glue it to make sure I don't lose the pins—the backing for one popped off when I opened my bag so I don't trust it.

very cute and functional!


I've only slept with mine for one night but it definitely put me to sleep! At first the heartbeat was a little strange to feel/hear but once I got used to it I fell asleep much quicker than I normally do! The design is also very functional so it will be easy to change the batteries and it's also simple to turn on and off as I need it. I think it's definitely worth a try for anyone having trouble falling asleep. Plus, it's a cute little animal. Win-win!

wonderful product


very soft, and good quality. the stitching seems very sturdy, and mimi-pyon is stuffed perfectly for hugging. a good size too. you can see some of the netting beneath the fur if you're really looking, but i don't think that affects the quality of the product at all. only issue is that a the pearls on her bow were chuffed up upon arrival, but as a whole she definitely makes up for that minor problem. i would love to buy another!

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