Tokyo Honyaku Quest, a new fan translation crowdsourcing service launched in collaboration with Tokyo Otaku Mode, Otaku Coin, bitFlyer Blockchain, and IID, is currently entering its demonstration and test phase!
Tokyo Honyaku Quest will have users translating articles from Anime!Anime!, to be featured as an official version along with their ID. These articles will appear on a new website titled Anime Anime Global, set to be launched by IID, the company behind Anime!Anime!

Tokyo Honyaku Quest will be using the "miyabi" blockchain platform offered by bitFlyer Blockchain. Translators and those who help with the translation efforts will be able to earn tokens known as HON, which will be delivered through miyabi and can be exchanged for community currency Otaku Coin.

In addition to reinvigorating the flow of information by circulating news translations, the service aims to build a self-sustaining, non-centralized global economic community. In the future, the service will not be limited to only anime news articles, but will also aim to cover all kinds of texts and languages.
The pilot edition of Tokyo Honyaku Quest is set for launch this summer. Aspiring translators can register at the official Facebook group.