Gintama Live Action Film Takes in 2.7 Billion Yen at Box Office!

Gintama Live Action Film Takes in 2.7 Billion Yen at Box Office!

As of Aug. 6, the live action adaptation of Sorachi Hideaki’s hit manga Gintama has taken over 2.7 billon yen at the box office.

Opening on July 14, the movie was an instant hit, raking in over 900 million yen in the first four days. Two million tickets have been sold so far during the movie’s run, breaking box office records for live action movies in 2017.

The first Gintama live action adaptation is directed by Fukuda Yuichi and stars Oguri Shun as Gintoki, Suda Masaki as Shimura Shinpachi, and Hashimoto Kanna as Kagura, along with Yagira Yuya, Arai Hirofumi, Yoshizawa Ryo, Hayami Akari, Muro Tsuyoshi, Nagasawa Masami, Okada Masaki, Sato Jiro, Nanao, Yasuda Ken, Nakamura Kankuro IV, and Domoto Tsuyoshi.

(c) Sorachi Hideaki, Shueisha (c) 2017 Gintama Production Committee

Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!

Gintama Live Action Film Takes in 2.7 Billion Yen at Box Office! 1

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