Since it began airing in 2005, Keita Amemiya’s Garo has captivated fans with its story and thrilling action scenes, remaining a popular tokusatsu series for nearly 10 years. In November 2015, the latest film, Biku: Yamigirinochi, will be released starring Sayaka Akimoto as Biku. The live-action film will have original visual effects that feature Akimoto’s attractive physique and athletic ability, along with a storyline that’s part action-adventure, part mystery-thriller.
The film’s protagonist will be Biku, who first appeared in the 2014 Garo TV series, Makai no Hana. It will be a spin-off of that series but feature new and exciting elements as well. Here’s the latest info on the Garo series’ 10th anniversary release.
The film follows Makai Priestess Biku who hunts down fallen Makai Knights and Priests to dispel their dead bodies of any darkness. Biku is ordered by a member of the Senate, Dachi, to confirm if a Makai Priest named Usami has fallen into darkness or not. Biku uses her magic to enter Usami’s mind, but what she finds is completely unexpected. Biku, unsettled by what she finds about Usami’s mental state, seeks guidance from a higher Makai Priest. This is where Biku’s story begins.
From the teaser trailer it’s clear that the film will be full of the types of action sequences that the Garo series is known for. Just from Akimoto’s elegant physique and powerful stare, most fans are likely anticipating that the film will meet their high expectations. The performances of Kenta Suga, who plays a Makai Priest, and Mickey Curtis, who plays a suspicious man surrounded by beautiful women, are not to be missed. Will they become Biku’s friend, or foe? The details are still unclear, but definitely intriguing.
It has only just been announced that this fall, a special mook, Garo 10th Anniversary Book (tentative title), will be released, but fans can surely expect other releases and special events to be held later this year as well.
Biku: Yamigirinochi
Releasing in Shinjuku Wald 9 and select theaters November 2015
Source: animeanime
Source article written by Yuma