Spanning manga, anime, movies, and even enormous exhibits, there is no sign of Attack on Titan’s popularity waning. On Dec. 9 (Tues.), the series will be introduced as an Ichiban Kuji titled “Ichiban Kuji Attack on Titan - March to Freedom.” The varied lineup includes Prizes A-D as well as a Last One Prize. Chief among the gorgeous prizes is a lineup of figures.
The figures’ best feature is that they are themed after the CD jacket for the huge hit opening theme “March to Freedom.” By collecting all the figures and connecting their bases, you can recreate the illustration. The figures are enticing collection pieces. There will also be glasses designed around carefully selected panels from the manga, visual mats, and more. A large selling point is the abundance of variation within this Ichiban Kuji’s lineup.
Prize A is a figure of Eren. It is impressively sculpted, with Eren standing barefoot while getting dressed. Prize B is Levi cleaning his blade, and Prize C is Hange sitting in a chair perusing documents. Hange can also sit in the sofa included with Prize B. You’ll be happy to have this item, as it extends the breadth of display possibilities if you collect both prizes. Prize D is Mike reading a book, and the Last One Prize given to the person who draws the last ticket is Mikasa, who closely looks out for Eren. Prizes E-G make up a set of Chibi Kyun Chara figures. In a complete change from the previous prizes, these are cutely deformed character figures. Prize H is a set of unique items: the first daruma-style figures in the Ichiban Kuji series. These daruma characters let off an overwhelming presence.
“Ichiban Kuji Attack on Titan - March to Freedom” costs 620 JPY to play (tax included). It will be held in convenience stores, book stores, Tsutaya, hobby shops, and amusement centers throughout Japan.
Source: animeanime
Source article written by Katsunori Takahashi