Summer-themed items for Kuroko’s Basketball, a popular manga serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump (Shueisha) turned popular anime, will be released one after the next. Banpresto will release the “Kuroko’s Basketball - Summer Vacation” lineup of prizes exclusively for game centers from mid July until the beginning of August. As the name suggests, the items will have a summer vacation theme. There have been many in the Kuroko’s Basketball series so far, but because this project matches the season, fans will likely find themselves grabbing these items without even thinking.
The “Kuroko’s Basketball - Summer Vacation” lineup includes items themed after how each character spends his or her summer vacation. For example, the Chibi Kyun Chara figures, Vol. 1 of which will release in July and Vol. 2 of which will release in August, depict the characters playing at the beach. They are holding summer items including a watermelon, ice cream, a rubber tube, and a fan. A characteristic is their relaxed expressions which differ from when they are practicing or playing a game. The “Kuroko’s Basketball - Summer Vacation” T-shirts each feature a minimalist design based on each character’s image color. Also featured on the shirts are an embroidered name with a Chibi Kyun Chara illustration. Other prizes in the lineup include character-shaped clips and specially drawn clear posters. The main target for these prize items are males age 10-20.
Also, the “Seirin High Summer Camp Guidebook (Prize Goods Guidebook)” will be distributed by Banpresto exclusively to game centers. With this book, fans can enjoy the world of the series through the fun designs themed after the “Seirin High Summer Camp Guidebook” while learning all about the “Kuroko’s Basketball - Summer Vacation” lineup. This booklet will be distributed to game centers offering the “Kuroko’s Basketball - Summer Vacation” items. These game centers will be revealed on a special site on July 1. These prizes are sure to run out fast, so the key will be securing yours quickly.
© Tadatoshi Fujimaki / Shueisha Inc., Kuroko’s Basketball Production Committee
Source: animeanime